Home » Companies

Every Company might need…

Internal Investigations

As a legal and Compliance investigator, with a solid experience on personal integrity violations issues an notably, on sexual and moral (mobbing) harassment, we guarantee to our clients a very solid investigation work and problem-solving recommendations.

Person of Trust

An experienced Person of Trust, duly trained (as per the SECO criteria), whom employees can contact for their workplace issues (potentially affecting their health).


An accredited Mediator which will be able to help the parties to find a fair and long-lasting solution to their conflict and avoid its escalation.

Advice, Audit & Training

A Lawyer, Compliance and conflicts management professional who can offer Companies a legal, business and strategic vision on labor issues as well as help them build an efficient prevention strategy.

Benefiting from my experience…

As labour law and business law Lawyer, with a broad in-house experience in multinationals law departments, I can help you define and address your needs with a very pragmatic approach.